Hackers will learn and build on a variety of emerging APIs, platforms and software tools.
Hackers will utilize various technology stacks and frameworks to solve real-world problems.
Hackers will have an unforgettable experience while innovating across all industry sectors.
Participants check-in in the lobby and head to the 6th floor to enjoy dinner and network with fellow hackers. Check-in is required for all hackers.
Welcome Remarks, Code of Conduct and Event Rundown. This event is requried for all hackers.
Hackers will participate in a design thinking and ideation workshop followed by fast 30 seconds pitches and team formation activities. This event is requried for all hackers.
All hackers take 5-10 minutes to fill out the end of day survey and reflect on their experiences on this day.
In today’s world, there is plenty of data coming from diverse sources. This data is an extremely valuable asset. In the wake of recent privacy breaches and violations, consumers have woken up to how their data is used and by whom it is being used.
Global warming has a lasting impact on the environment, yet many people still disagree it exists. Renewable energy sources like wind, solar, and nuclear are reducing our dependence on fossil fuels. What’s even more exciting: cutting edge technologies are igniting novel ways to build more sustainable homes, cities, and societies.
Amazon is putting malls and big box stores out of business. Rather than fighting a losing battle with Amazon, brands need to rethink how to use retail space in ways that play to their strengths. What new marketplaces can be penetrated? How might we serve the bottom billion, where the new middle class is rising across the world?
With companies such as Uber, Lyft, and Tesla, transportation is slowly changing. What other software solutions can be created to take transportation to the next level in the areas of safety, efficiency, and experience? This can include public transportation.
Healthcare in the United States is badly broken. We are getting close to spending 20% of our GDP on healthcare; this is unsustainable. Think about: Diagnostics, Medical Devices, Pharmaceuticals, Preventative Healthcare and beyond.
There are a lot of areas where it makes sense to divide labor between humans and computers – we are very good at some things computers are terrible at and vice versa – and some of these require huge amounts of human resources. As existing jobs go away, a company that creates a lot of new jobs should be able to get a lot of talented people.
This category is for any ideas you may have that do not fit in the above 6 categories. All ideas are welcome!
There were a lot of guest speakers and judges who gave advice.[HackFest] was a fantastic, fast-paced, 48 hour event that prepares you for pitching your software product to an audience (especially people in business) in real life.
It's different from normal hackathons.[HackFest] was a startup focused hackathon, unlike many of the other hackathons I attended this year. Focus was on business as well and not only technology, something that is lacking in the hackathon space.
Please go! You will learn a whole lot![HackFest] was very helpful and relevant! I understand what the market is looking for and what I need to study more on. The whole weekend I was busy learning, this is great!